If one of your hopes for the New Year was a renewed commitment to reading the Bible, we've got you covered. We are following the reading list provided in the Lutheran Study Bible to make our way through the Bible in a year. First, as we usually do, we will offer the course weekly on Zoom Thursdays at 1 p.m. Those wishing to read all the way through the Bible should have the passages to be discussed read before we gather. Email Pr. Stephanie if you would like the reading list. As always homework is optional. If you do not wish to read all the way through the Bible, you can attend and we will highlight themes, note interesting bits and read a couple passages together. Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88058353158?pwd=eTkzQWlqN25oalVsenJ0QWJDSkFhQT09
Meeting ID: 880 5835 3158/ Passcode: 996238
Second, you can participate in an online classroom at your convenience. Each Thursday, I will post a brief video hi-lighting things that I found interesting or important from our reading for the week and ask a few questions for you to think about. You can post your thoughts about the reading, the video, and the questions in that week’s thread. I have set up a Google Classroom that should suit our needs. In order to be allowed into the classroom and receive the videos, you need to send me your email address to (clc-pastor@clcenfield.org). This address should be where you would like to receive notifications regarding the class.