Baptized into the priesthood of Christ, we are called to offer ourselves to the Lord of the Church for what he has done and continues to do for us. Christ died to take away our sin and rose from the grave to defeat the power of death. He has given us new life through baptism, renewed in us the power of forgiveness, given us hope and joy in the proclamation of the gospel, and gives us the bread of life and the cup of blessing in Holy Communion. Christ’s Spirit fills us with songs of thanksgiving for all that God has done for us. In response to all of this we are called to offer ourselves to Christ’s service.

The basic motivation for serving in the Altar Guild is gratitude. Members of the Altar Guild are grateful servants: ministers of God, ministers of God’s people, ministers of the liturgy, and ministers of the worship space. This ministry is a form of praise and an expression of joy. The tasks involved in carrying out this work may be seen as an opportunity to serve God. 

The Altar Guild at Community Lutheran Church is an appointed Committee of the Worship and Music Committee. The Altar Guild Chairperson is a member of the Worship and Music Committee and attends regularly scheduled meetings in order to effectively coordinate the efforts required by all participating in the worship experience of the Church.

The Altar Guild serves by preparing the altar and sacraments for Sunday Worship Services as well as preparations for:

  • baptisms,
  • weddings,
  • funerals
  • and other special services held during the year.

Members care for:

  • the worship space,
  • its furnishings,
  • linens,
  • vestments,
  • paraments,
  • appointments
  • and the sacramental elements and vessels.

Several members make the bread for communion.

Instruction and guidelines for Altar Guild responsibilities are readily available to all new members. Schedules are flexible and easily adapted to change as needed. 

There are basic checklists available for Sunday Services as well as additional guidelines for communion, linens, paraments, flowers and special rites of baptism, funerals and weddings as well as the changing seasons/festivals of the Church Year. 

Altar Guild members appreciate the opportunity to serve in the Lord’s house and are dedicated to this endeavor. The Committee welcomes those interested in joining our work. Please contact Rosemary Affeldt if you would like to explore this opportunity. Thanks to all members who currently serve.