All women are welcome who would like to join us for fellowship, fundraisers, and/or helping those around us.
We have two business meetings each year following a delicious breakfast. At the meetings, we discuss any upcoming events and decide how to disperse any money that is available. These monies go to worthwhile causes at the synod, community, and our local church levels. A few examples include:
Friends Feeding Friends
scholarships to Camp Calumet and the national youth convention,
Prayers and Squares Ministry
Lutheran World Relief quilts and school kits and
donations to our regional/state group.
The ladies plan two major fundraiser events each year:
the yard sale in the summer and
a crafts and food table at the local Frosty's World in November.
We also help with funeral receptions in our fellowship hall and organize a Christmas dinner for the church. At times we also meet with ladies from nearby Lutheran churches to have social events or Bible studies. Some women join in all the activities; others join in just a few. We welcome anyone to join us at whatever level they are comfortable with. We are sure there will be something you enjoy!
Women's fellowship annual craft sale at Frosty's world
Women's fellowship annual craft sale at Frosty's world
Women of the ELCA (WELCA)
WELCA is part of the national synod and has regional organizations throughout the country. The group that Community Lutheran Church belongs to is the Northeast group which is one of several groups of the New England Women of the ELCA, also referred to as NEWELCA. This includes churches from Maine, New Hampshire and northeastern Massachusetts. There is an annual spring meeting that is sponsored by one of the churches which includes Bible studies, crafts, and lunch that is followed by a worship service. It is a blessing to renew friendships and to realize that there are many women who are on similar journeys. There will be a biennial retreat for New England women on Oct 27-29, 2016 in Lewiston, ME and a national triennial retreat on July 13-16, 2017 in Minneapolis, MN.
More information can be obtained by going to: There you find information about the organization as well as access to several online sources such as cafe, an e-magazine for young adults (, Gather, the ELCA's magazine for women, and Daily Grace, a short daily devotion.