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Sunday Worship

  • Community Lutheran Church 96 Main Street Enfield, NH, 03748 United States (map)

Please join us each Sunday in person or online at

1) Congregants should not come to church if they have any COVID or flu-like symptoms.

2) Your entry onto the premises of Community Lutheran Church is your acknowledgement

you understand that there are risks, which you take responsibility for, in attending group

functions/activities despite COVID precautions that the church is taking.

3) Congregants are asked to arrive promptly to allow for socially distanced “sign-in.” A sheet that

records Congregants’ attendance and contact info will be maintained by the ushers each Sunday,

to allow for contact tracing if necessary.

4) The only entrance will be from the double door on Main Street

5) Congregants must answer the COVID questions (posted on the door).

6) Please use the hand sanitzer upon entry.

7) Masks are required, nose and mouth must be covered. (Town of Enfield has a mask


8) Plan for windows to be open for better ventilation, wear warm clothing, coats.

9) Our sanctuary has enough space for 19 socially-distanced “stations”. A family group of

five or more people may reduce that number slightly, but the Usher will determine the

best socially-distanced seating for such groups when required.

10) The ushers will ensure congregants are seated in one of our pre-determined socially distanced


11) Congregants need to remain in their seats and will exit from the single door in the rear of the sanctuary

and then right out the door toward the mailboxes and then left out the exit door by the stairwell toward

Main Street.

12) The offering plate will be near the sanctuary exit door in the narthex.

13) There should be no physical contact between people while on the premises of the church. Maintain 6-

feet social distance.

14) Bulletins and the communion elements will be picked up as you enter the sanctuary. Used bulletins and

anything else in your pew must be taken home for disposal by the congregants at the end of the service.

15) For the benefit of worshipers watching on the live-stream, Pastor will still be able to speak and sing from

the upper altar area without a mask due to the large standoff distance to the nearest seating station. Additionally, she will turn to the side to face the sacristy while singing. Congregants may speak and sing as they will be masked.

16) The children’s play area in the rear of the church will be removed for now.

17) There will be no “coffee hour” the first couple of Sundays of reopening (May 2nd and May 9th) but we hope to resume with coffee only and social distancing probably outside after a couple Sundays being

open as we see how our plan works in reality.

We will be watching for COVID surges in our area as these will change what we do. If you have questions or comments contact council at

Earlier Event: July 9
Alcoholics Anonymous (FH)
Later Event: July 11
Alcoholics Anonymous (FH)