CLC YARD SALE Information
Can you help us sort and price items? Come to CLC and help out!!! It is fun!!
- July 23 10 am – noon or 4-6 pm
- July 24 4-8 pm
- July 25 9 am – noon (Set up Fellowship Hall)
- July 26 2- 4 pm
- July 27 9 am – noon
HELP!! On Weds. July 25 we want to set up the tables and move
our “stuff” to the Fellowship Hall from the preschool area. Can
you help us for an hour or so????
Guidelines for Donations:
Please be kind to our volunteers! Items should not be broken or missing pieces, etc. and be in a condition to sell and be clean. Because we are a one day sale and must have everything cleaned up and out of the Fellowship Hall at the end of the day, no clothing or electronics, appliances, etc. should be donated. We just do not have the capability to sell enough of these and do not want to have to pay to dispose of them. Large items should be brought on Friday or on the morning of the sale (July 28th from 8:30 pm to 2 pm), or make arrangements with us individually if this does not fit your schedule. If you have questions see Jane P., Susan C. or Donna G.
Items may be dropped off :
- July 12 from 5-6:30 pm (look for Sue)
- July 18 from 4-6 pm (look for Donna)
- July 21 from 10 am – noon (look for Jane)
- July 23 from 4-6 pm (look for Donna)
- July 24 from 4-6 pm (look for Jane)