Mascoma Valley Thanksgiving Ingathering 2019
Area churches including Community Lutheran Church, Millbrook Christian Fellowship, St. Helena Parish and St. Mary's Mission Catholic Churches, and the Mascoma Valley United Methodist Parish, along with local area Scout Units and Friends of Mascoma Foundation are working together on the Annual Ingathering project. We collect canned goods and nonperishable food items for Thanksgiving Food Baskets. (Sorry, we cannot accept home-baked or home-canned food.) Please check the expiration dates, as we cannot distribute items that have expired nor can we distribute open items.
Suggested items:
pie crust mix
pumpkin pie filling
bread mixes
cranberry sauce
boxed potato dishes
canned sweet potato
stuffing mixes
peanut butter
evaporated milk
canned tuna
canned chicken
fresh bagged potatoes
winter squash
carrots, etc.
The weekend before Thanksgiving, we collect, organize and distribute Thanksgiving Baskets to neighbors in need. A turkey or precooked chicken is included in each box. Any items left over are donated to the Enfield and Canaan Friends Feeding Friends Food Pantries and the Mascoma Area Food Pantry at the Mascoma Area Senior Center in Canaan. To participate in this long-standing, worthwhile project, please place your contributions in this bag and do one of the following:
Put your bag outside in a clearly visible location for pick up no later than 10 a.m Sunday, Nov. 18th.
Deliver the bag yourself to the Enfield Methodist Church Fellowship Hall on Saturday, November 23rd or Sunday, November 24th from 9 a.m. to noon
Bring your bag to your worship service Sunday, Nov. 18th.
Cash donation are also accepted. Checks should be made out to "Community Lutheran Church" with "Ingathering" written in the memo space. Checks can be sent to CLC or brought to the Ingathering.
Sorting and distribution take place Sunday, November 24th from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
packing boxes for the 2016 thanksgiving ingathering.